
Showing posts from January, 2022

Manage Firebase storage using flutter

To upload and download any image, pdf, doc file in cloud then firebase is best option. More about firebase storage follow link Add Following dependecies inside pubspec.yaml file dependencies : flutter : sdk : flutter cloud_firestore : ^2.2.0 firebase_storage : ^8.1.0 You have to set rules inside your firestore to access files rules_version = '2'; service { match /b/{bucket}/o { match /{allPaths=**} { allow read, write } } } Now  inside your firebase storage create folder whatever you want right now we are using "uploads/ " First you have install firestore inside your flutter project. flutter pub add firebase_storage Once done with that rebuild your project. flutter run Now initialize firebase inside initState() Firebase. initializeApp (); Once initilize completed create reference of fireStore Reference firebaseStorageRef = FirebaseStorage. instance .ref().child( 'uploads/ $fileName ' ); Below code is for upl...

Load more pagination in Listview flutter

  Inside Listview use Load more for pagination Add loadmore dependencies inside pubspec.yaml loadmore : ^2.0.1 Now we need to manage page count use loadMoreCount here. initialy loadMore is 0 int loadMoreCount = 0 ; Now use LoadMore Widget inside your body. body: LoadMore ( isFinish: loadMoreCount >= 5 , onLoadMore: _loadMore, child: ListView ( children: <Widget>[ Container ( color: Colors. red , child: Container ( decoration: BoxDecoration ( color: Colors. white , borderRadius: BorderRadius . circular ( 5 )), margin: const EdgeInsets . all ( 8.0 ), padding: const EdgeInsets . only (left: 8.0 ), child: TextField ( decoration: InputDecoration ( fillColor: Colors. red , icon: Icon ( Icons. search , color: Colors. black , ), border: InputBorder. none , ...

Firebase + Flutter integration

Firebase made easy for flutter developer to manage server side APis. Lets start with creating flutter project in firebase console. Follow below link for how to create new project in firebase. Goolge Firebase Setup Once you finish with integrating firebase in flutter follow below steps for development. How my database in firebase looks like check below, Step 1: Add below dependecies inside your pubspec.yaml   cloud_firestore: ^2.2.0   firebase_storage: ^8.1.0 Step 2: Initialize firebase     Firebase.initializeApp(); @override void initState() { // TODO: implement initState print( "init" ); Firebase. initializeApp (); _accessDatabase(); super .initState(); }       Step 3: Start writing insert, update, delete functions of firebase.     Future<List<Product>> getProduct( String categoryId, String subCategoryId) async { List<Product> productList = new List <Product>(); await FirebaseFirestore. instance...